Struggling with your prescribed literature?
Our Literature Study Guides provide insights and analysis of themes and characters and includes guidelines for writing your exam.
X-kit Achieve! Mathematics Grade 9 is a study guide which includes concise explanations, plenty of practice and sample test and exam papers with answers. The series has been developed based on research and feedback from learners and teachers. It offers Graded maths exercises which cover understanding, application and problem-solving skills. CAPS compliant.
Covering Grade 10 to 12 concepts in one book, X-kit Mathematics Essential Reference is the perfect guide for quick reference and revision. Clear, comprehensive explanations in simple language and step-by-step worked examples ensure that learners understand everything they need to know about Mathematics.
X-kit Achieve! Literature Study Guides make nationally prescribed novels and dramas accessible to learners to help them prepare for exams. They provide insight into the author and context of the writing, analysis of critical themes, plots and characters and plenty of exercises for exam preparation.
X-kit Presteer! Wiskunde vir graad 8 is ’n studiegids met gegradeerde oefeninge, uitgewerkte voorbeelde, en bied talle vrae- en antwoordstelle. X-kits is geskryf deur ervare onderwysers en dek die nuutste kurrikulum.
X-kit Presteer! Wiskunde vir graad 9 is ’n studiegids met gegradeerde oefeninge, uitgewerkte voorbeelde, en bied talle vrae- en antwoordstelle. X-kits is geskryf deur ervare onderwysers en dek die nuutste kurrikulum.