a visual text such as an illustration, graph, chart or photograph.
a visual way of illustrating a verbal or written statement. See bar graph, histogram, line graph...
imagery that appeals to the sense of taste, e.g. The taste of chocolate melting in the mouth....
a Japanese form of lyric poetry, consisting of three lines and seventeen syllables as follows:...
(also called a misrelated participle or a dangling participle) a participle that is not related...
a word, phrase, or name, usually set in boldface, that serves as the heading for an entry in a...
a male character in a literary work, often the protagonist, that is admired or identified with...
a female character in a literary work, often the protagonist, that is admired or identified with...
lighting that lights up a whole scene fairly equally with very few shadows. The key light is the...
a shot in photography or filmmaking taken from above the subject and viewing the subject at an...