additional information in a sentence given between brackets, commas or dashes, e.g. Mr Smith...
a humorous imitation of a well-known work, e.g. Roald Dahlâ??s Revolting Rhymes in which he...
a word formed from a foreign word e.g. preface is a paronym of the Latin word prefatio.
a non-finite form of the verb. In English, there are two forms of the particle. See present...
the parts that make up any book, e.g. title page, table of contents, preface, body, bibliography...
a term used for words that have different functions (uses) in a sentence. See adjective, adverb...
When the object of the sentence is linked to the action expressed by the verb, e.g. The boy was...
a participle that usually ends in ed, en or t, e.g. written, completed, lost. Past participles...
a paragraph in which the topic sentence is at the end of the paragraph.
a sentence in which the main clause is at the end of the sentence, e.g. Although it is raining,...