X-kit Presteer! Wiskunde vir graad 8 is ’n studiegids met gegradeerde oefeninge, uitgewerkte voorbeelde, en bied talle vrae- en antwoordstelle. X-kits is geskryf deur ervare onderwysers en dek die nuutste kurrikulum.
Many subjects require students to know work from the previous grades. Make sure your students are able to access the textbooks from previous years or a good reference book that contains the...
Once your students have completed practice exam papers, encourage them to go over the areas where they struggle and offer them some additional support. Suggest a study guide or additional material...
Exam practice is essential. Make sure your students have access to practice exam papers for the subjects they take. Make sure the exam papers relate to the correct version of the curriculum.
Remind your students that studying should be active. They should be making notes, working through examples, doing practice exam papers and testing themselves on the sections they are studying.
Formulae sheets or key concept sheets are useful for quick revision. Make some sheets your students can stick on a wall or at the back of their books. The more they look at the formulae and key...
Many subjects require students to know work from the previous grades. Make sure your child has access to a good reference book that contains the concepts they need to refer back to.
Make sure your teenager has enough time to relax, do sport, play music and spend time with friends. A balanced lifestyle often leads to better results.
Try to be supportive even when you are disappointed in your child’s marks. Help your child by asking her teacher for advice, getting additional study material or outside tutoring. This will build...
Once your teenager has completed practise exam papers, go over the areas where they struggle. Get a study guide to help you and your student if you need help with a particular section.
Exam practice is essential. Make sure your student has access to practice exam papers for the subjects they take. Make sure the exam papers relate to the correct version of the curriculum.
Studying should be active. Your child should be making notes, working through examples, doing practice exam papers and testing herself on the sections she is studying.
Formulae sheets or key concept sheets are useful for quick revision. Get your teenager to stick them on the wall in their room. The more they look at the formulae and key concepts, the more likely...