A relative pronoun is a pronoun that does the work of a conjunction. A relative pronoun join two sentences or two parts of sentences, showing the relationship between them, e.g. 'This is the boy who has been chosen' and 'This is the book which I lost'. | Grammar and editing


A relative pronoun is a pronoun that does the work of a conjunction. A relative pronoun join two sentences or two parts of sentences, showing the relationship between them, e.g. 'This is the boy who has been chosen' and 'This is the book which I lost'.


A relative pronoun is a pronoun that does the work of a conjunction. A relative pronoun join two sentences or two parts of sentences, showing the relationship between them, e.g. 'This is the boy who has been chosen' and 'This is the book which I lost'.


  • English First Additional Language


  • Grammar and editing