Waiting to hear what your exam results are is stressful. The anxiety and pressure you are feeling leads to worry and fear of uncertainty but don’t worry, it is normal to feel these emotions and you are certainly not alone. Here are six ways to help you cope with the stress of waiting for your exam results.
1. Keep calm
These are words that will make your eyes roll but really, during this stressful time, try to relax. When you feeling overwhelmed, stop and take a deep breath. When you are relaxed you are able to think clearly and rationally and make carefully considered decisions.
2. Get moving
Exercise is a good way to relieve stress. Go for a walk or a run, play a game of soccer with your friends. Exercise will release endorphins and help combat feelings of depression and anxiety.
3. Reward yourself
Your exams are over! That in itself is something to celebrate. You have studied hard and now it is time to reward yourself by doing something you enjoy. Spend time with your friends and family, watch a movie or go to the beach. Spending time with friends and family will help you to relax and stay calm.
4. Look out for your friends
Stress can lead to fatigue, emotional exhaustion and even depression. Look out for your friends during this time. If you notice that they are irritable, express sudden changes in behavior or isolate themselves, they can’t sleep or have lost their appetite, encourage them to talk to someone about their feelings. They can talk to you, a family member or a counselor in the community. See below for a list of professional people you or your friends can talk to.
5. Get your results directly from your school
Don’t receive your results via sms, online or looking in the newspaper, rather go to your school. If you have not done well or failed only a few subjects, you can immediately speak to your principal and see what options are available. You could possibly request a remark or apply to write the supplementary exam.
6. Stay positive and formulate a plan of action
Remember that success is not always about achieving the best but is often how you accept challenges, solve problems and continue with determination to succeed. Instead of worrying, try finding the root of the problem and discussing ways of how you can solve it. Decide on your Plan A and formulate a backup plan in case your first plan doesn’t happen. You could consider taking a gap year and working or finding an apprenticeship while you figure out your next move.
We wish all matrics good luck with your final results!
And remember, if things did not go the way you planned, it is not the end of the world, there are always options. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone to help you deal with your anxiety and stress.
Who can I talk to?
Here is a list of organisations you can contact. They offer free telephone counseling.
DESTINY Helpline for Youth and Students
Operating hours: Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 20:00
Toll-free number: 0800 41 42 43
SADAG (The South African Depression and Anxiety Group)
Operating hours: Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 20:00
Toll-free number: 0800 12 13 14
SMS line: 31393