Struggling with your prescribed literature?
Our Literature Study Guides provide insights and analysis of themes and characters and includes guidelines for writing your exam.
any account of something that happened (events that took place). This can be a verbal report or a written report. Reports can be formal or informal. Examples of reports include newspaper reports, committee reports, and school reports. When used as a verb, to report, it means to give an account.
to suggest or hint, e.g. In my conversation, I implied that we were short of money when I said I...
the written text of a film, including the charactersâ?? dialogue, descriptions of scenes and...
the part of the sentence that receives the direct object. An indirect object follows a...
imagery that appeals to the sense of touch (tactile imagery), temperature, movement and feeling...
the thing or person doing the action of the verb in a sentence, e.g. The ball flew through the...