Struggling with your prescribed literature?
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sharp (clever) humour. Wit is not necessarily biting or angry, but it can be. Shakespeare wrote that Brevity is the soul of wit (Hamlet). Oscar Wilde was thought to be a great wit. His plays include lines such as this description of a cynic: A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing (Lady Windemereâ??s Fan). Once when Wilde arrived in New York, he told the customs officer, I have nothing to declare except my genius.
lighting that comes from below the subject. This creates a sinister and threatening effect.
a subjective belief which is the result of emotion or a particular way of understanding facts,...
lighting that comes from alongside the subject, creating contrast between lit and unlit sides of...
the use of someone elseâ??s actual words. Quotations should always be indicated by inverted...
when a pair of commas acts in the same way as brackets or a dash and extra information is placed...