Struggling with your prescribed literature?
Our Literature Study Guides provide insights and analysis of themes and characters and includes guidelines for writing your exam.
the reason something happens (cause), and the result of it happening (effect),e.g. in the sentence The wind made the door slam, the wind is the cause and the door slamming is the effect. In Her marks have dropped since she broke up with her boyfriend, the breakup with her boyfriend is the cause, and the effect is that her marks have dropped. Cause comes before effect.
a phrase or idea that has been overused and is clearly not an original statement, e.g. time will...
a second main clause that is joined to a main clause by a co-ordinate conjunction, e.g. Lions...
(also called an Elizabethan sonnet) a sonnet consisting of three quatrains (four-line stanzas)...
the present participle of a verb, used as a noun, e.g. I like running. Swimming is great.