Struggling with your prescribed literature?
Our Literature Study Guides provide insights and analysis of themes and characters and includes guidelines for writing your exam.
when the audience knows something that a character in a play does not know, and the character behaves inappropriately because of his or her ignorance. E.g. in Twelfth Night, because of his ignorance, Malvolio acts foolishly, believing that this is appropriate. The audience can see how silly this is and finds it funny or absurd.
activities you do before reading a text, including skimming, scanning and predicting. See skim,...
a succinct summary of the arguments, reflections or discussions dealt with in the piece of...
any account of something that happened (events that took place). This can be a verbal report or...
the main character in a literary work, usually the hero or heroine, e.g. Othello, Hamlet, Jason...
a visual text such as an illustration, graph, chart, photograph.