Struggling with your prescribed literature?
Our Literature Study Guides provide insights and analysis of themes and characters and includes guidelines for writing your exam.
the part of the sentence that receives the direct object. An indirect object follows a preposition, e.g. in I gave it to her, it is the direct object, to the preposition and her the indirect object; or an understood preposition, e.g. in He gave her the flowers, flowers is the direct object and her the indirect object.)
a special effect that presents the action at a slower than normal pace. This can be used for...
language that conveys the emotion of the person speaking or writing: anger, love, hate and...
the written text of a play or film, including the charactersâ?? dialogue, descriptions of scenes...
the circumstances around a piece of writing, such as time, place, socio-political and cultural...
the choice and use of words that fit a context best; the particular words a writer or speaker...