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a figure of speech in which a group of words express a figurative meaning, not obvious from the individual meaning of each word. The phrase has come to have meaning over time, e.g. When she won the lottery, she was over the moon. Or the phrase makes sense in the context of the specific language of a particular geographical area, e.g. Because she spoke in the idiom of South Yorkshire, most visitors from South Africa could not understand a word she said!
an essay in which a statement is agreed or disagreed with, with reasons given to support the...
playful rhyming verse consisting of five lines in an aabba pattern, e.g. Edward Learâ??s...
to look quickly at headings, sub-headings and topic sentences to get a general idea of what a...
a sentence with two or more main clauses, e.g. I will go, but you must stay.
an abbreviation that forms a new word, made up of the first letters of a name, e.g. AIDS...