Struggling with your prescribed literature?
Our Literature Study Guides provide insights and analysis of themes and characters and includes guidelines for writing your exam.
writing texts that are either a response or an initiation of a response. As implied, these are 'transactional texts'. See agenda, brochure, Curriculum Vitae, dialogue, diary entry, directions, email, fax, flyer, interview, invitation, letter, memorandum, minutes of a meeting, note, notice, obituary, play, postcard, poster and review.
words that are spelt the same but have different meanings, e.g. We climbed up the river bank to...
a part of literary work in which one set of events takes place in one locality. Plays are...
a style of writing and speaking that sensationalises events, e.g. As the blood-stained housewife...
in artwork, film and photography: what is happening behind the main action.
when too much light gets into the camera aperture (opening). This causes a blurred effect, which...