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electronic mail sent from one electronic device to other electronic devices (computer, cellphone, smartphone, etc). The level of formality used in the salutation will depend on how well the writer knows the receiver. Generally, emails are more informal than the traditional (posted) letter. However, when in doubt, be more formal than informal. Someone whom you have never met, and who is 40 years older than you, may not appreciate being greeted with Hi Phil!
playful rhyming verse consisting of five lines in an aabba pattern, e.g. Edward Learâ??s...
a style of writing and speaking that is dramatises events, e.g. Horses drowned, houses washed...
a Japanese form of lyric poetry, consisting of three lines and seventeen syllables as follows:...
a special effect that presents the action at a slower than normal pace. This can be used for...
some pronouns always take a singular verb, e.g. no-one, none, nobody, everybody.