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Our Literature Study Guides provide insights and analysis of themes and characters and includes guidelines for writing your exam.
a style of writing and speaking that is poetic, although written in prose; that â??waxes lyricalâ?? and is tremendously enthusiastic about the subject it describes, e.g. The divaâ??s performance of Sophia brought The Orphans of Qumbu to life; it was beyond magical, it was sublime, divine in every way. Belinda dâ??Alende was transformed into a goddess on the stage!
an adverb that tells us when something is done, e.g. They leave tomorrow.
an exact replica (copy) of writing (or illustrations) on paper. The original is put into a...
a non-finite form of the verb. In English, there are two forms of the particle. See present...
the layout and presentation of text and illustrations in a specific way to achieve an effect....
a subordinate clause that takes the place and role of an adjective, e.g. The game that they...